
Tuesday 18.06.2013 - 20.00

Processing Berlin is an initiative between LEAP and Onformative, a presentation series in creative coding, generative art and designing with code. The event takes the form of a series of lectures with a daytime workshop program featuring one of the participating artists.

The fourth edition in the series will feature talks by:

André Knörig (FRITZING)

Participating Artists:


Niklas Roy, born 1974 in Nurnberg, lives in Berlin since 1999 where he initially served as visual effects supervisor in the film industry and later studies Visual Communication at the University of the arts. Since then he has worked successfully as a freelance artist.The core of his work ranges from complex mechanics refined over electronics to purely virtual computer code that manifest themselves in objects, installations and performances.


Trancending any definition in the tools or target media, the studio’s works combine computational design, electronics, physical computing, motion graphics and confident graphic design attitude in novel and elegant ways, equally easily found in edgy artistic interventions as in high production value media.

FELD balances what computers and what people are good at: Leveraging the relentless, precise and high-speed computational processes or custom machines to unfold their works, but having the designers always at the helm result in thought provoking, aesthetic and elegant works.

André Knörig (FRITZING)



Lab for Electronic Arts and Performance
(Berlin Carré 1. Stock)
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 13
10178 Berlin


HOW TO FIND LEAP: http://vimeo.com/20384216

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Vimeo www.vimeo.com/leapberlin
Vimeo Channel www.vimeo.com/channels/leap
Soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/leap-berlin